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We recently ran a survey to more than 700 leaders across the South Australian construction, architecture and engineering sectors, as we identified the need to provide further insight specific to the South Australian industry and current market conditions. 

This valuable data has provided us an understanding into the market activity over the last year and has given us a really good gage on confidence levels across the industry over the next 12 months. And the good news is that confidence levels are really positive! 

So, the three biggest takeaways from the survey for us were:

Number 1 – Businesses are confident that turnover will continue to increase, but they do feel that profitability will either remain the same or decrease slightly across industries. 

Number 2 – When it comes to challenges, each industry did identify that the rising costs of materials and equipment, as well as the ongoing issue of attracting and retaining talent, are amongst the biggest challenges that we are currently facing.

And number 3, increased salaries and flexible working conditions are amongst the top HR and people processes and / or policies that have been implemented to attempt to attain and attract employees.